If you’re visiting Paris and find yourself in the 8th, here are a few bakeries, restaurants, and shops to try. (This list will be frequently updated).

Bakeries in the 8th Arrondissement

Maison Julien – 73 Avenue Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 75008 Paris

When Paris is still sleeping, you’ll be grateful for this always-bustling bakery in the business-like 8th Arrondissement. They have all of the expected pastries, bien sur, but what I really love abut this place are the prepared salads. The 8th can be pricey, but Maison Julien isn’t. Two pain au chocolat, a chausson aux pommes, and a baguette traditional will run you just under 6 euros. Single-serving salads are about 8 euros–which may seem expensive or reasonable depending on where you’re traveling from. One advantage of relocating to Paris from Silicon Valley (instead of, say, from Ohio), is that the sticker shock is less extreme.


Pharmacie du Roule

An unpretentious pharmacy, bigger than most in the neighborhood, with very helpful, friendly pharmacists and good specials on iconic French beauty brands. Read my post about visiting a French pharmacy and 6 iconic French beauty products.